Of obtaining a Parenting Distinction

Whose parenting template are you using to raise your child?

Miss Tasha is turning 2 this March, and it’s been an amazing parenting journey, if I do say so myself…LOL.

I must say, with this little experience, nothing has brought much anxiety to my life than being a parent. Not even waiting for academic results or waiting to see the outcome of a cake baking in the oven has made me this anxious. Much of the anxiety always comes along when you are trying to make certain decisions that in a way “affect child development”. Then last night I asked myself a question, “Whose parenting template am I using to raise my child?”

“There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one.” – Sue Atkins

What will my friends say, what’s will my in-laws say, what will society say, what are the latest trends, etc… Google said this, this book said that… We have since stopped asking ourselves the most important question, “what will yield the best results for my child’s development?”

What I have concluded is parenting in terms of child development doesn’t have a one size fits all children template. Let your children thrive in the areas they love the most. If your child loves technology, allow them to use it (monitored of cause), if they love dancing, painting, singing, let them do it.

“Allow children to be happy in their own way, for what better way will they find?” – Samuel Johnson

I stay in an apartment complex without a play area, so Tasha rarely has children her age to interact and play with, so we watch cartoons on Disney Junior, we watch Chuchu TV on YouTube, that is the only way I can really get to her level. Our walls have her amazing Art work, everything that she holds becomes a music instrument. I promise you that alone has made her vocabulary richer than you can imagine, it has also made me realize my baby loves singing, and has an amazing memory, and a very active imagination.

Will I stop her from watching TV…? NO

Is TV bad for her… NO, some content is, but not everything, so we monitor what she watches.

Am I a bad parent because I allow my baby to watch TV for more than an hour a day… No.

Am I saying all the parents who don’t believe in what I believe in are horrible parents… Of cause not, we come from different schools of life, backgrounds, and have different beliefs, so I respect the fact that our parenting styles will differ too.

Tasha at 1 year 10 months, and with exposure to as much TV and technology as possible, is the most sociable, alert, happy and friendly baby ever.

Will I change my parenting style…? Never, this template is Tailor made for Miss Tasha and is working very well for her so far.

One awakening moment was when I saw a lady who had just lost her son to a terminal illness at 3 years. Her biggest and greatest joy was that she didn’t listen to people who said she shouldn’t give a toddler Kinderjoy because there is too much sugar… She didn’t stop doing things for her baby or letting him do things because society says it’s not good for him.

I realized that life is too short to have any regrets.“Let’s remember…There is noOne size fits all approach to parenting,No secret formulasNo instructionsNo one way to parentNo correct wayNo perfect wayJust enjoy your way and your Journey “www.themummyschool.co.uk

Enjoy parenting…and let the children enjoy their childhood!!!

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